Thursday, October 31, 2019
Middle East Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Middle East Politics - Essay Example The government uses oil money to uplift the lives of the residents. Iraq is an unstable political nation (Ayoob, 2006). The country is the threshold of breaking up between the people of both the Kurdish group and the Arab group. There is a continuing rift between Iraqi Sunni Muslims and Iraqi Shiite Muslims. The rift cropped up because Muhammad did not appoint his replacement (Hazleton, 2009). Iran is on the verge of producing its first nuclear warhead. The nation is an open republic. The republic allows suggestions, comments, and other inputs from any member of Iranian society. The drive to set up nuclear weapons is a stop the uninvited political intervention from the United States. Iranian politics is leading towards a democratic government. The religious leaders run the Iran government, especially Shiite Muslim Ayatollah Sistani. The citizens democratically elect their next political leaders (Ayoob, 2006). The Saud family, the political family ruling over Saudi Arabia, is persuaded to grant more democratic power to the citizens (Ayoob, 2006). The granting of democratic freedom strengthens Saud familyââ¬â¢s hold on the people. Such democratic movements will allow the people to voice their anti-American politics concerns. Turkey questions why the European Union cannot allow entry of Turkey into the fold of the European Union (Ayoob, 2006). Some residents believe their Islamic faith hinders entry into the European Union. The people happily feel the government grant more democratic freedom. Turkey is deeply involved in the Middle East nationsââ¬â¢ political affairs, doing its best as NATO member to keep the peace and unity within the region. The political situation shows there is a continuing political conflict between the Jewish Israel people and the Islam-dominated Palestine people (Ayoob, 2006). The United States is persuading Israel to give up its control over the Gaza strip to Palestine, to reduce the conflict between
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Memory Management Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Memory Management Paper - Essay Example Protection helps prevent any malicious or malfunctioning program to make any unauthorized access to memory portions and cause interference in other programââ¬â¢s operation causing system level errors. While protection limits access to memory, it is required that the protection scheme provides some flexibility to allow for sharing of memory space as well e.g. of read only programs. A number of cooperating processes that may be executing the same program should be able to access the same part of main memory containing the same main program instead of having individual duplicates of the same program which would waste a lot of the precious memory space. Concurrency control must be maintained in case of sharing of program data. Relocation is responsible for allocating a user process a place in memory by converting the programââ¬â¢s logical address to physical address. During swap in, it is necessary to relocate a process from the physical disc to main memory. Usually a program occupies the same place in memory when swapped in. However, it may happen that during a swap in, the usual memory place of a program may not be available. So, in that case, the program will have to be relocated to a new memory place and memory references would have to be translated to the actual physical address. Memory is required to be organized in a way that the programs with read only elements are stored in a separate portion within it. Secondly, memory is divided into two types depending on the speed of access; main memory and secondary memory. Main memory is volatile and allows for the programs to be accessed quickly while the secondary memory is long term storage and allows slow access for the long term stored
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Doubt Is The Key To Knowledge Discuss.
Doubt Is The Key To Knowledge Discuss. People created proverbs and used to apply them when experiences similar to the one which resulted in the construction of the proverb reoccurred. The Persians had one of the most famous proverbs that are still used in our time; they used to say doubt is the key to knowledge, but to what extent is this phrase true? Through the areas and ways of knowledge, this proverb will be further studied to determine to which extent it is true. In this essay, I will be using the natural sciences and religion as areas of knowledge and linking them to the ways of knowledge; perception and reason or logic. Doubt is one of the earliest ways the human beings started gaining knowledge from the world around them. It is known that doubt is when a person starts questioning a subject that confused him or has been on his mind for a time. It is then that this person starts asking questions in order to gain further knowledge about the subject he wishes to acquire. We can generally say that doubt is the origin of obtaining knowledge as human beings started questioning the world and everything in it; they were able to get the answers they wanted and increased their knowledge. The world famous French philosopher, writer, physicist and mathematician Renà © Descartes believed that doubt could never be the key to knowledge and information from the world. He was considered one of the first thinkers ever to introduce philosophy to natural sciences. Descartes believed that one can gain truth without doubt; he introduced his method called methodological skepticism in which he rejects any ideas that can b e doubted, then reestablishes them so that he can get genuine knowledge from these ideas. One of Descartes books is one called Meditations on First Philosophy. The book has six meditations in it in which Descartes banishes any belief that contains, even if in small quantities, any kind of uncertainty, but then reestablishes the things that are known for sure. Each one of the six meditations were written as if in one day Descartes speculated and came up with the meditation; so the book was authored as if he meditated for six days and developed his meditations. Three of Descartes meditations are discussed. His first meditation is called Meditation I: Concerning Those Things That Can Be Called into Doubt. In this meditation, Descartes remembers that he was once deceived by his senses and since that happened before, it can happen again. So he tells himself, if I am being deceived, then my beliefs are treacherous and uncertain. The second meditation called Meditation II: Concerning the Nature of the Human Mind: That It Is Better Known Than the Body is an acknowledgment to the first meditation. Descartes believed that since he is a thinking thing, then he must exist. Since he is a thing that can deceived and have thoughts and beliefs, he must exist. His third meditation Meditation III: Concerning God, That He Exists argues that God is present and he rejects the idea of God being invented. He proposed three types of ideas; Innate, Factitious and Adventitious. The innate ideas are the ones that are and always have been with us, whereas factitious ideas are from our imagination and lastly the adventitious ones come from our experiences from the world. Descartes believed that God is an innate idea and that he is not improvised. That was Descartes beliefs when it comes to doubt, as he does not believe that doubt is the key knowledge. Let us discuss the natural sciences at first. Ever since the break of dawn, the human being has been trying to know the truth about his origins and the world around him; have we truly evolved from apes or were we simply created by God? These questions have always been present in the humans mind and this is the reason behind his doubt concerning this topic. This issue has raised many conflicts among people, but most importantly, created the Darwin theory of evolution. Darwin believed that all living organisms evolved from much simpler single-celled organisms. His doubt in the belief that God created us from nothing made him seek after the answers he wanted to get. He did not believe in what he was told and sought after the truth after questioning this topic, evidently coming up with his widely accepted theory from different people all over the world. One too many facts from the sciences such as physics and biology were found based on doubt. Take the Arabic Muslim optical scientist, Ibn Al-Haitham. The people who lived in his era thought that the eye itself emitted light rays and causing our sight. Ibn Al-Haitham, on the other hand, did not believe in what these people used to say and doubted this fact, and so he started his own experiments to prove them wrong, and he was able to show that light was reflected off surfaces and became incident on the eye resulting in our sight. People use the logic they have to reason with the things that go around them. And through the logic, they are able to realize that some things do not add up; and this leads them to questioning and trying to find answers if they are unsatisfied with the results in front of them. Through their journey of seeking the answers, these people can find them only by observing or experimenting and then find logical answers. Human beings find answers when in doubt by experimenting and when the results show up they use reason and logic to interpret them, leading them to knowledge based on doubt. However, a different area of knowledge that can be studied to show to what extent the doubt is the key to knowledge statement is true is religion. Let us take the religion for instance. Not all the people of the world believe in religion, but why is that? Why have the non-believers become what they are now? This is all because we, as human beings, doubt the things around us. We are curious beings and want to know more of everything. As time progresses, people doubt what had been told to them by God. Some do not believe that he created Adam and Eve and rather wanted to accept the evolution theories as true such as Darwins. Others do not believe that there is a judgment day, and therefore wish to explain what is happening to our world nowadays from a scientific point of view. As for religion itself, talking about Christianity for example, doubt is not an option. You either believe in God or you do not. It is said in the Holy Bible that Blessed are those who did not see and believe. Through this, it is like God is telling us that there is no need for doubt, and that we only have to follow what our hearts tell us and how our soul guides into believing that there is a God even though we cannot see him. Religion is telling us that doubt has no place in Gods will and he is our source of knowledge on him not doubt. He is the one who will explain everything to believers and guide them through their lives and provide them with answers when they need them; therefore he is a persons supply of knowledge and that person should gain it without having to doubt what God says. All in all, the statement doubt is the key to knowledge is true to an extent as proven earlier by the areas and ways of knowledge. But it is to a certain extent true, not fully true because other areas of knowledge such as the ethics contradict what the Persian proverb says. Doubt can reveal the response of unanswered questions, but on other times, it can blind us from seeing the truth. Word count: 1315 words
Friday, October 25, 2019
Steam Engines :: essays research papers
The Steam Engine The steam engine provided a landmark in the industrial development of Europe. The first modern steam engine was built by an engineer, Thomas Newcomen, in 1705 to improve the pumping equipment used to eliminate seepage in tin and copper mines. Newcomen's idea was to put a vertical piston and cylinder at the end of a pump handle. He put steam in the cylinder and then condensed it with a spray of cold water; the vacuum created allowed atmospheric pressure to push the piston down. In 1763 James watt, an instrument-maker for Glasgow University, began to make improvements on Newcomen's engine. He made it a reciprocating engine, thus changing it from an atmospheric to a true "steam engine." He also added a crank and flywheel to provide rotary motion. In 1774 the industrialist Michael Boulton took Watt into partnership, and their firm produced nearly five hundred engines before Watt's patent expired in 1800. Water power continued in use, but the factory was now liberated from the streamside. A Watt engine drove Robert Fulton's experimental steam vessel Clermont up the Hudson in 1807. Railroads The coming of the railroads greatly facilitated the industrialization of Europe. At mid.eighteenth century the plate or rail track had been in common use for moving coal from the pithead to the colliery or furnace. After 1800 flat tracks were in use outside London, Sheffield, and Munich. With the expansion of commerce, facilities for the movement of goods from the factory to the ports or cities came into pressing demand. In 1801 Richard Trevithick had an engine pulling trucks around the mine where he worked in Cornwall. By 1830 a railway was opened from Liverpool to Manchester; and on this line George Stephenson's ''Rocket'' pulled a train of cars at fourteen miles an hour. The big railway boom in Britain came in the years 1844 to 1847. The railway builders had to fight vested interests-for example, canal stockholders, turnpike trusts, and horse breeders-but by 1850, aided by cheap iron and better machine tools, a network of railways had been built. By midcentury railroad trains travelling at thirty to fifty miles an hour were not uncommon, and freight steadily became more important than passengers. After 1850 in England the state had to intervene to regulate what amounted to a monopoly of inland transport. But as time went on the British railways developed problems. The First World War (1914-1918) found them suffering from overcapitalization, rising costs, and state regulation.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Progress of Agriculture Before and After Independence of India Essay
Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy and it will continue to remain so for a long time. It has to support almost 17 per cent of world population from 2. 3 per cent of world geographical area and 4. 2 per cent of worldââ¬â¢s water resources. The economic reforms, initiated in the country during the early 1990s, have put the economy on a higher growth trajectory. Annual growth rate in GDP has accelerated from below 6 percent during the initial years of reforms to more than 8 percent in recent years. This happened mainly due to rapid growth in non-agriculture sector. The workforce engaged in agriculture between 1980-81 and 2006-07 witnessed a very small decline; from 60. 5 percent to 52 percent. The present cropping intensity of 137 per cent has registered an increase of only 26 per cent since 1950-51. The net sown area is 142 Mha. The net irrigated area was 58. 87 Mha in 2004-05. Presently, the total net irrigated area covers 45. 5 per cent of the net sown area, the remaining 54. 5 per cent is rainfed. The degradation of land and surface as well as ground water resources results in fast deterioration of soil health. Losses due to biotic (insect-pests, diseases, weeds) and abiotic (drought, salinity, heat, cold, etc. ) stresses account for about one-fourth of the value of agricultural produce. The storage, transportation, processing, value addition and marketing of farm produce need to be improved to enhance household food, nutrition and livelihood security. Indian agriculture is characterized by agro-ecological diversities in soil, rainfall, temperature, and cropping system. Besides favorable solar energy, the country receives about 3 trillion m3 of rainwater, 14 major, 44 medium and 55 minor rivers hare about 83 per cent of the drainage basin. About 210 billion m3 water is estimated to be available as ground water. Irrigation water is becoming a scarce commodity. Thus proper harvesting and efficient utilization of water is of great importance. Intensive cultivation as a result of introduction of high yielding varieties in the mid 1960ââ¬â¢s required higher energy inputs and better management practices. Land preparation, harvesting, threshing and irrigation are the operations, which utilize most of the energy used in agriculture. The share of animate power in agriculture decreased from 92 er cent in 1950-51 to 20 per cent in 2000-01. For desired cropping intensity with timeliness in field operations, animate energy sources alone were no longer adequate. Farmers opted for mechanical power sources to supplement animate power. Average size of farm holdings gradually reduced from 2. 58 ha to 1. 57 ha (Table 1). Small and marginal farmers have limited resources especially in rain-fed regions where only animate power is used resulting in low productivity. Though agricultural production is high, the per hectare productivity is much lower than world average. There is an urgent need to increase productivity.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Components of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Essay
The main elements of a supply chain include purchasing, operations, distribution, and integration. The supply chain begins with purchasing. Purchasing managers or buyers are typically responsible for determining which products their company will sell, sourcing product suppliers and vendors, and procuring products from vendors at prices and terms that meets profitability goals. Supply chain operations focus on demand planning, forecasting, and inventory management. Forecasts estimate customer demand for a particular product during a specific period of time based on historical data, external drivers such as upcoming sales and promotions, and any changes in trends or competition. Using demand planning to develop accurate forecasts is critical to effective inventory management. Forecasts are compared to inventory levels to ensure that distribution centers have enough, but not too much, inventory to supply stores with a sufficient amount of product to meet demand. This allows companies to reduce inventory carrying costs while still meeting customer needs. Moving the product from warehouses or manufacturing plants to stores and ultimately to customers is the distribution function of the supply chain. Supply chain integration refers to the practice of developing a collaborative workflow among all departments and components involved in the supply chain to maximize efficiencies and build a lean supply chain. 2 Walmartââ¬â¢s Method of Managing the Supply Chain Walmart has been able to assume market leadership position primarily due to its efficient integration of suppliers, manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution to stores. Its supply chain strategy has four key components: vendor partnerships, cross docking and distribution management, technology, and integration. Walmartââ¬â¢s supply chain begins with strategic sourcing to find products at the best price from suppliers who are in a position toà ensure they can meet demand. Walmart establishes strategic partnerships with most of their vendors, offering them the potential for long-term and high volume purchases in exchange for the lowest possible prices. Suppliers then ship product to Walmartââ¬â¢s distribution centers where the product is cross docked and then delivered to Walmart stores. Cross docking, distribution management, and transportation management keep inventory and transportation costs down, reducing transportation time and eliminating inefficiencies. Technology plays a key role in Walmartââ¬â¢s supply chain, serving as the foundation of their supply chain. Walmart has the largest information technology infrastructure of any private company in the world. Its state-of-the-art technology and network design allow Walmart to accurately forecast demand, track and predict inventory levels, create highly efficient transportation routes, and manage customer relationships and service response logistics. 3 Benefits of Efficient Supply Chain Management Wal-Martââ¬â¢s supply chain management strategy has provided the company with several sustainable competitive advantages, including lower product costs, reduced inventory carrying costs, improved in-store variety and selection, and highly competitive pricing for the consumer. This strategy has helped Walmart become a dominant force in a competitive global market. As technology evolves, Walmart continues to focus on innovative processes and systems to improve its supply chain and achieve greater efficiency. How to Manage the Bullwhip Effect on Your Supply Chain The goal of any supply chain is to get the right selection of goods and services to customers in the most efficient way possible. To meet this goal, each link along the supply chain must not only function as efficiently as possible; it must also coordinate and integrate with links both upstream and downstream in the chain. The keystone for a lean supply chain is accuracy inà demand planning. Unforeseen spikes in demand or overestimations of demand stimulate the supply end of the chain to respond with changes in production. Production and supply issues then impact the consumer end of the supply chain and the effects ripple up and down the chain. This is often referred to as the bullwhip effect. 1 What Causes the Bullwhip Effect? Supply chain management is a complex process. There are several issues that can lead to the bullwhip effect and those issues can be exacerbated by delays in transmitting information, and a lack of coordination up and down the supply chain. Some causes of the bullwhip effect include: Consumer demand swings Natural disasters that disrupt the flow of goods and services Overcompensation when addressing inventory issues Ordering processes, such as order batching, can also contribute to thebullwhip effect. Organizations may accumulate larger orders before processing them in an effort to reduce costs and create transportation economics. They may also wait to place larger orders to benefit from lower prices offered during a promotion. Demand forecasting manipulation is another cause. By padding the forecast to compensate for possible errors, the organization loses sight of true customer demand. Customers can also contribute to the bullwhip effect by engaging in shortage gaming during periods of short supply by purchasing more than they need. Additionally, customers taking advantage of liberal return policies can create problems with developing accurate demand forecasts. 2 How to Minimize the Bullwhip Effect The first step in minimizing the bullwhip effect is to understand what drives customer demand planning and inventory consumption. Lack of demand visibility can be addressed by providing all key players in the supply chainà with access to point of sale (POS) data. Suppliers and customers must then work collaboratively to improve both the quality and frequency of information communication throughout the supply chain. They may also choose to share information through an arrangement such as vendor-managed inventory (VMI). Eliminating practices that introduce spikes in demand, such as order batching, can also help. The higher order cost associated with smaller or more frequent orders can be offset with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and computer aided ordering (CAO). Pricing strategies and policies can also help reduce the bullwhip effect. Eliminating incentives that cause customers to delay orders, such as volume transportation discounts, and addressing the causes of order cancellations or reductions can help create smoother ordering patterns. Offering products at stable and fair prices can prevent buying surges triggered by temporary promotional discounts. Special purchase contracts can be implemented to encourage ordering at regular intervals to better synchronize delivery and purchase. 3 Adopting Supply Chain Management Best Practices Using sound chain management processes and systems will result in the efficient flow of goods from a raw stage to the consumer while enhancing ROI for the company. Reviewing case studies and other resources detailing best practices can suggest opportunities for improvement. Adopting successful practices such as Walmartââ¬â¢s use of cross docking, or Dellââ¬â¢s process of bypassing the middle man by offering made-to-order computers directly to customers, can contribute to a lean supply chain and minimize the bullwhip effect. Reducing the bullwhip effect requires a thorough evaluation of organizational policies, measurements, systems, and practices. Based on the positive implications an efficient supply chain can have on costs, sales, profits and customer satisfaction, itââ¬â¢s an undertaking well worth the investment and effort.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Metaphor
, there is no single translation. Wabi can denote something one-of-a-kind, or the spirit of something; the closest we can come to a literal translation is ââ¬Å"solitaryâ⬠. Sabi defines time or the ideal image of ... Free Essays on Metaphor Free Essays on Metaphor Design Principles There are certain intrinsic principles that one needs to grasp to successfully capture the spirit of the Japanese garden. Most importantly, nature is the ideal that you must strive for. You can idealize it, even symbolize it, but you must never create something that nature itself cannot. For example, you would never find a square pond in the wild, so do not put one in your garden. You may certainly use a waterfall, but not a fountain. Another key point to remember is balance, or sumi. You are always trying to create a ââ¬Å"largeâ⬠landscape even in the smallest of spaces. While that nine-ton boulder looks right at home in the six-acre stroll garden, what effect does it have on a ten by ten courtyard? It would have all the grace and subtlety of a horse in a closet. Choose your components carefully. Rocks can represent whole mountains, pools become lakes. A small stretch of raked sand can become an entire ocean. The phrase ââ¬Å" Less is moreâ⬠was surely first spoken by a garden master. The elements of time and space One of the first things that occur to western eyes viewing a Japanese garden is the ââ¬Å"emptinessâ⬠of portions of the garden. This is unsettling to gardeners accustomed to filling every space in the garden for a riot of color, but it is a key element in the design of Japanese gardens. This space, or ma, defines the elements around it, and is also defined by the elements surrounding it. It is the true spirit of in and yo, that which many of us know by the Chinese words yin and yang. Without nothing, you cannot have something. This is a difficult point to grasp, but it is a central tenet of Japanese gardening. Another key point to ponder is the concept of wabi and sabi. Like so many Japanese words, there is no single translation. Wabi can denote something one-of-a-kind, or the spirit of something; the closest we can come to a literal translation is ââ¬Å"solitaryâ⬠. Sabi defines time or the ideal image of ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hypothesis, Model, Theory, and Law
Hypothesis, Model, Theory, and Law In common usage, the words hypothesis, model, theory, and law have different interpretations and are at times used without precision, but in science they have very exact meanings. Hypothesis Perhaps the most difficult and intriguing step is the development of a specific, testable hypothesis. A useful hypothesis enables predictions by applying deductive reasoning, often in the form of mathematical analysis. It is a limited statement regarding the cause and effect in a specific situation, which can be tested by experimentation and observation or by statistical analysis of the probabilities from the data obtained. The outcome of the test hypothesis should be currently unknown, so that the results can provide useful data regarding the validity of the hypothesis. Sometimes a hypothesis is developed that must wait for new knowledge or technology to be testable. The concept of atoms was proposed by the ancient Greeks, who had no means of testing it. Centuries later, when more knowledge became available, the hypothesis gained support and was eventually accepted by the scientific community, though it has had to be amended many times over the year. Atoms are not indivisible, as the Greeks supposed. Model A model is used for situations when it is known that the hypothesis has a limitation on its validity. The Bohr model of the atom, for example, depicts electrons circling the atomic nucleus in a fashion similar to planets in the solar system. This model is useful in determining the energies of the quantum states of the electron in the simple hydrogen atom, but it is by no means represents the true nature of the atom. Scientists (and science students) often use such idealized modelsà to get an initial grasp on analyzing complex situations. Theory and Law A scientific theory or law represents a hypothesis (or group of related hypotheses) which has been confirmed through repeated testing, almost always conducted over a span of many years. Generally, a theory is an explanation for a set of related phenomena, like the theory of evolution or the big bang theory.à The word law is often invoked in reference to a specific mathematical equation that relates the different elements within a theory. Pascals Lawà refers an equation that describes differences in pressure based on height. In the overall theory of universal gravitation developed by Sir Isaac Newton, the key equation that describes the gravitational attraction between two objects is called the law of gravity. These days, physicists rarely apply the word law to their ideas. In part, this is because so many of the previous laws of nature were found to be not so much laws as guidelines, that work well within certain parameters but not within others. Scientific Paradigms Once a scientific theory is established, it is very hard to get the scientific community to discard it. In physics, the concept of ether as a medium for light wave transmission ran into serious opposition in the late 1800s, but it was not disregarded until the early 1900s, when Albert Einstein proposed alternate explanations for the wave nature of light that did not rely upon a medium for transmission. The science philosopher Thomas Kuhn developed the term scientific paradigm to explain the working set of theories under which science operates. He did extensive work on the scientific revolutions that take place when one paradigm is overturned in favor of a new set of theories. His work suggests that the very nature of science changes when these paradigms are significantly different. The nature of physics prior to relativity and quantum mechanics is fundamentally different from that after their discovery, just as biology prior to Darwinââ¬â¢s Theory of Evolution is fundamentally different from the biology that followed it. The very nature of the inquiry changes. One consequence of the scientific method is to try to maintain consistency in the inquiry when these revolutions occur and to avoid attempts to overthrow existing paradigms on ideological grounds. Occamââ¬â¢s Razor One principle of note in regards to the scientific method is Occamââ¬â¢s Razor (alternately spelled Ockhams Razor), which is named after the 14th century English logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham. Occam did not create the concept- the work of Thomas Aquinas and even Aristotle referred to some form of it. The name was first attributed to him (to our knowledge) in the 1800s, indicating that he must have espoused the philosophy enough that his name became associated with it. The Razor is often stated in Latin as: entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem or, translated to English: entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity Occams Razor indicates that the most simple explanation that fits the available data is the one which is preferable. Assuming that two hypotheses presented have equal predictive power, the one which makes the fewest assumptions and hypothetical entities takes precedence. This appeal to simplicity has been adopted by most of science, and is invoked in this popular quote by Albert Einstein: Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. It is significant to note that Occams Razor does not prove that the simpler hypothesis is, indeed, the true explanation of how nature behaves. Scientific principles should be as simple as possible, but thats no proof that nature itself is simple. However, it is generally the case that when a more complex system is at work there is some element of the evidence which doesnt fit the simpler hypothesis, so Occams Razor is rarely wrong as it deals only with hypotheses of purely equal predictive power. The predictive power is more important than the simplicity. Edited by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Background of the Study
This doctoral dissertation will be conducted to determine the intensity of need for abused victimsââ¬â¢ therapist hotline, one stop shop and law enforcers in diverse States of America. It will make use of the experimental method of research as it is aimed at ascertaining intensity of needs for therapist hotline, parametric reception areas, and secured holding quarters for abused victims as against law enforcers mere investigations often including mandatory reporting or convincing the victim to do her job of confronting the suspect through standard judicial proceedings. Chapter 1 Introduction à Background of the Study There is a demand for abused victimsââ¬â¢ hotline and a one stop shop in diverse states of America.à Consequently, the building interest was by no means, then, limited to Law enforcers.à However, it is now spreading all over America at a rate that surprises secular and non-secular entities that supplies similar services. Americans have developed great interest in this endeavor because of its humanitarian and public values. à They apparently have realized that it makes victims feel safe in non-judgmental, anonymous places to test the waters as they begin their quest to find appropriate help they need.à Many may have realized that abused victimsââ¬â¢ hotline and one stop shop, lifts up their spirit, brighten victimsââ¬â¢ world, and add zest to life.à Moreover, abused victimââ¬â¢s hotline and one stop shop is an avenue that promises socially rewarding prospects. Statement of the Problem This study is mainly concerned with finding out the intensity of need for abused victimsââ¬â¢ therapist hotline, one stop shop and law enforcers in diverse States of America. à It will address itself to the following problems: 1.à Which of the needs classified as? à à à à à à a. therapist hotline; à à à à à à b. parametric reception areas; à à à à à à c. secured holding quarters; à à à à à à d. law enforcers mere investigations; à à à à à à e. mandatory reporting; and à à à à à à f. convincing victim to confront suspect with legal options will best meet the requirement of an abused victim? 2.à At what category will the fragile case of an abuse victim be best handled and accommodated? 3.à Which among these classified needs meets the immediate requirements of the abused victim under the following circumstances? à à à à à a. rape victim à à à à à b. substance abuser à à à à à c. domestically abused Significance of the Study In a country like the United States of America the need for an avenue that promises socially rewarding prospects is vital; hence, it becomes imperative to extend present day knowledge on developing speedy communication system, appropriate reception and apt accommodations for abused victims. The researcher believed that the baseline data that will be gathered for the results of this study shall serve as guide of other researchers in their quest for additional knowledge specially those interested in the field of psychology and sociology Theoretical Framework of the Study An abused victim normally walks off with traumas of their pains. Some of them prevail over the stress and surfaced with triumph. But, most are too weak to be devastated with grief.à The difference between civil and criminal cases in domestic violence (Rainer, 2006) is a problem which an abused victim must face up to. Plus is the idea of confronting the suspect in court considering the raw sores of recently inflicted pains abused victims immediate needs must be addressed first prior to other legal measures. Commonly, Social psychologist views that the impact of social processes on human behavior may specialize into attitude formation and attitude change, group dynamics, prejudice, or violent behavior. Karl Emil Maximilian Weber (1864-1920) a famous social theorist of the 20th century took Kant view of moral psychology suggesting principled deed is primarily concomitant with self-discipline (Mohr, J. C. B., 1984). So is the interest of psychotherapist as specialist in the area of handling abused victims. For Weber, the significance and worth of what one does would rely upon oneââ¬â¢s perspective of things (Mohr, J. C. B., 1984) which is exactly the same perspective as those the advocates of an abused victimsââ¬â¢ hotline, parametric reception area, holding areas. These steps can be proven, understood and explained making it rational (Mohr, J. C. B., 1984). Assuming the abused victimsââ¬â¢ desire for treatment and rehabilitation which may be a specific personality and is dependent upon the victimsââ¬â¢ personal commitment, the strength of community values where the victimsââ¬â¢ are, is a very important foundation (Mohr, J. C. B., 1984). Hypotheses: à à à à 1.à Ho: There is no significant difference among therapist hotline, parametric reception areas, secured holding quarters, law enforcers mere investigations, mandatory reporting, and convincing victim to confront suspect with legal options to meet the requirement of an abused victim? à à à à 2. à à Ho: There is no category that will best handle and accommodate the fragile case of an abuse victim. à à à à 3. à à à Ho: There is none among the different classification of needs meets the immediate requirements of the rape victim, substance abuser and domestically abused victim. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The study will be delimited to the use of therapist hotline, parametric reception areas, secured holding quarters, law enforcers mere investigations, mandatory reporting, and convincing abused victims such as rape, substance abuser and domestically abused to confront suspect with legal options.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business Ethics Presentation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Ethics Presentation - Research Paper Example From the figures, it is a clear indication that the blame was pointed to the bankers for the financial crises. The public felt that the financial problems were due to bad ethics in the banking sector. Bankers have been criticized for issuing risky loans but according to (Lewis 2010), he argues that it is too crude to blame the financial crisis on ethics of bankers. According to Graafland and van deVen (2011) the three areas where of U.S. government has failed include encouraging the credit extension in the real estate market, failure by the government to keep a strong financial policy, and finally failure to regulate and monitor the markets. According to Graafland and van deVen there should be an improved sense of professionalism and duty to the public is needed. When an organization or industry loses its authenticity, the benefit of doubt is also lost. This is according to Kopeck. The corruption perception index (CPI) can also be used to measure the ethics of the US businesses. This method ranks countries on the degree of corruption in the government and also public officials. The method was inaugurated in 1995. The Corruption Perception Index ranks countries on a scale. The scale runs from10-0. The 10TH scale is perceived to be the least corrupt country and one as the most corrupt country. Corruption is a hidden activity hence measuring it is a challenge and that is why organization such as transparency international bases the index on a number of polls which is challenging to measure. The corruption perception index began with 41 countries in the year 1995 and has since grown and expanded to 182 countries and this is included in the 2011 index. The challenge with this method is that measuring the degree of corruption and also ranking is hard. Significantly there has been a steady decline in the United States CPI score over the last sixteen years with the hi ghest score of 7.79. Edel-man Trust Barometer is also another way of measuring trust;
Speech Made in the Conference, Concerning Japan's Aggression Essay
Speech Made in the Conference, Concerning Japan's Aggression - Essay Example Japan is such a country that can best be described as aggressive, with its acts being tantamount to belligerence, especially towards China. Some of the acts of aggression that Japan has carried out may be illustrated forthwith. It is open knowledge that Japan on September 18th, 1931 sent its army and some of its political leaders to invade Manchuria, which is the eastern seaboard of China. The worst part of this problem is not merely personified in Japanââ¬â¢s acts of aggression, but on Japanââ¬â¢s lack of goodwill to being accountable for its actions. For instance, in 1933, after the Manchuria crises ended, Japanââ¬â¢s delegate walked out of the League of Nations when the findings by the Lytton Commission were being read out and mooted. In so doing, Japan was not only excising itself from the rest of the international community, but also parading unwillingness to take responsibility. Arrogance was also the driving force behind Japanââ¬â¢s walk out since Japan had already pacified Manchuria from China and singlehandedly made Manchuria a puppet state, Manchukuo. Japan even had the audacity to make Emperor Pu Yi as the head of Manchukuo who was a stooge in every respect. Similarly, Japanââ¬â¢s aforementioned willingness to take responsibility is underscored by the fact that the tabling of the Lytton Commissionââ¬â¢s findings was supposed to be accompanied with discussions on Chinaââ¬â¢s appeal for an interstate approach towards Japanââ¬â¢s aggression (Christensen, 75). Japanââ¬â¢s bellicose stance was further shown in it engaging the Chinese army near Peking, at the Marco Polo Bridge in 1938, following the ââ¬ËChina Accident.ââ¬â¢ It is important to note that Japanââ¬â¢s problem is one which is heavily embedded in wrongful thinking and attitude. For a fact, ever since Japan won the Sino-Japanese War which took place between 1894 and 1895, Japan has become increasingly stubborn throughout the orient, after it knew that it had a stranglehold in the Asian continent. Chinaââ¬â¢s compelled recognition of the Korean independence and its forced concessions on Liaotung Peninsula and Taiwan were to serve as Japanââ¬â¢s reassurance and propitiation. Unfortunately, Japan grew into a bully. It is important to note that with much power comes, responsibility in lieu of belligerence. Japan, other developed and developing countries ought to realize this. It is important that Japan appreciates the fact that when it joined the Allies in World War I, it gained a lot when the League of Nations granted it, the Asian colonial territories that had been being controlled by Germany in the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. That these territories were rich, is a matter that is underscored by the inclusion of the Shantung Peninsula and Micronesian islands which had been under the tutelage and ownership of China and Germany, respectively. Thus, the citing of Japanââ¬â¢s landlocked status as a reason behind its unbridled antagonism cannot wash. How the U.S. Plans To Handle the Situation There are several measures that America has considered as tenable solution to the problem of Japanââ¬â¢s aggression. The measures are both short and long term. One of the long term approaches to the problem is the reevaluation of economic policies with Japan. It is well known that since 1920s, Japan got less interested in western model of economic liberalism. This is because, while reeling from the
Mkt wk3 team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mkt wk3 team - Essay Example There seem to be endless possibilities for Apple has a brand and this has been understood by its users as they have come to know that Apple is one such manufacturer which believes in immense taste and quality no matter how hard it gets. The name ââ¬ËAppleââ¬â¢ reckons good and rich taste more than anything else as has been apparent since a long time. The iPod, iPad and iPhone products are ruling the roost within their competitive rivals and hence have been given all the acclaim that these products have richly deserved over a period of time. The varied market dimensions have more or less suggested the likeliness of the Apple users when they are choosing between categories or amongst the products, one of which belongs exclusively to Apple itself. Therefore it would be right to state that Apple brings together a collection of fine taste and exclusivity which other competitors can only think of. References Berry, T.à (1996-2011).à How to perform a SWOT analysis.à - Palo Alto Software, Inc.à Retrieved March 5, 2011 from Cooper, R (1999). Product leadership: Creating and launching superior new products. Perseus Books.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
To what extent can we as humans be objective in our understanding of Essay
To what extent can we as humans be objective in our understanding of human behaviour - Essay Example alââ¬â¢s psychic sphere, etc., there has always been a question: to what extend can a human being remain objective while explaining the reasons for another humanââ¬â¢s behaviour? After all, being humans, not only we are prone to mistakes, but we also have our own subjective experience, and which is more personality peculiarities, which may ââ¬â and actually do ââ¬â influence the way we perceive things and interpret the motives for another peopleââ¬â¢s actions and other peopleââ¬â¢s thoughts. People do not perceive the world as it is; their own mind creates a certain picture of the world that differs from the reality, and every person has the picture of his or her own. This was discovered long ago by a Polish engineer Alfred Korzibsky at the beginning of the 20th century. A most interesting saying belongs to him that says ââ¬ËThe map is not the territoryââ¬â¢ (Korzibsky 1933, np); under ââ¬Ëthe mapââ¬â¢ our perception of the world is meant, and ââ¬Ëthe territoryââ¬â¢ is the objective world itself. Fairly the same concept is reflected in the works of the sophists in the Ancient Greece who were constantly trying to find an answer to the question if it is possible to comprehend the truth, and if anything exists in the human mind apart from opinions? They were the adherents of Phenomenalism: the theory that stated that we only can perceive those ideas that find themselves in our minds, not the real objects of the world as they are all outside of our minds, and therefore it is incorrect and even useless to even try evaluating anybody or anything that is outside our minds. Conceptual biases: the way we as a group collectively organize our mental views, beliefs and perceptions about life and the universe, which influences what we notice, what we seek to learn, and how we interpret phenomena. Personal biases: the individual experiences and personality that form our personal interests, likes and dislikes, characteristics, etc., which influence what and how each of us seeks to learn and
Leader and organizational behavior Research Paper
Leader and organizational behavior - Research Paper Example I maintain that I am the ideal candidate for this job because I am sufficiently educated and possess the adequate qualities that would help me greatly in filling this position. A typical Vice President of Operations of a company as large and progressive as yours would be entitled to be a committed worker. I understand that the duties include creating and upholding the vision and overall direction of the company, and supervising and evaluating the work of other top position-holders, such as department directors, operations managers. Moreover, a Vice President would play a crucial role in the approval and laying out of the day-to-day operations of the company, aiding and assisting subordinates should the need arise while identifying potential areas of improvement. In addition, at times, a Vice President could be required to coordinate with the directors of different departments. Lastly, a Vice President would, of course, be required to analyze a companyââ¬â¢s overall performance by reviewing financial statements, customer feedback and sales and activity reports. In general, a good Vice President of Operations would have to be sharp and in control of the operations at hand while maintaining a cohesive work environment to maximize productivity and eliminate internal conflicts. If I were to be awarded this position, I would be fully committed to being hard working and dedicated to the company and, in particular, to my job. In my experience, I have learnt that I work best in demanding conditions by being organized from the get-go and assigning myself goals and aims from the beginning of the project (Smith, 1992). I have found that goal setting helps me greatly because it allows me a sense of focus as opposed to being distracted by unnecessary objectives that should not be given precedence. Simply put, lacking a goal could disperse my attention over all the possible, yet needless, objectives in a certain circumstance. Moreover, because it has been found that the mo re challenging the goal, the greater the motivation to achieve it, I believe my work quality would improve dramatically as I would be more inclined and persistent to work harder. Furthermore, setting goals would help me in using my time more productively by allocating it to the pressing tasks at hand (Wilson, 2008). In addition, I would be using my resources most efficiently (with the least waste) to productively aid the company. I believe setting goals helps in personal growth, all the while motivating you to work harder and more diligently to strive for what you set out to achieve. Setting targets for myself would show me clearly the vision I aim to uphold and would push me harder and harder until I successfully achieve it. For someone in a position as demanding as that of Vice President, some direction is necessary. I feel that setting goals such as being prompt with my work, or being thorough in my reports would better motivate me into becoming a good Vice President for the comp any and would give me a sense of confidence once these goals are realized. In the past, I have worked for various companies and have had to deal with demanding circumstances such as rushed deadlines, miscommunications in the chain-of-command, and conflicting behavior of coworkers and lack of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Mkt wk3 team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mkt wk3 team - Essay Example There seem to be endless possibilities for Apple has a brand and this has been understood by its users as they have come to know that Apple is one such manufacturer which believes in immense taste and quality no matter how hard it gets. The name ââ¬ËAppleââ¬â¢ reckons good and rich taste more than anything else as has been apparent since a long time. The iPod, iPad and iPhone products are ruling the roost within their competitive rivals and hence have been given all the acclaim that these products have richly deserved over a period of time. The varied market dimensions have more or less suggested the likeliness of the Apple users when they are choosing between categories or amongst the products, one of which belongs exclusively to Apple itself. Therefore it would be right to state that Apple brings together a collection of fine taste and exclusivity which other competitors can only think of. References Berry, T.à (1996-2011).à How to perform a SWOT analysis.à - Palo Alto Software, Inc.à Retrieved March 5, 2011 from Cooper, R (1999). Product leadership: Creating and launching superior new products. Perseus Books.
Leader and organizational behavior Research Paper
Leader and organizational behavior - Research Paper Example I maintain that I am the ideal candidate for this job because I am sufficiently educated and possess the adequate qualities that would help me greatly in filling this position. A typical Vice President of Operations of a company as large and progressive as yours would be entitled to be a committed worker. I understand that the duties include creating and upholding the vision and overall direction of the company, and supervising and evaluating the work of other top position-holders, such as department directors, operations managers. Moreover, a Vice President would play a crucial role in the approval and laying out of the day-to-day operations of the company, aiding and assisting subordinates should the need arise while identifying potential areas of improvement. In addition, at times, a Vice President could be required to coordinate with the directors of different departments. Lastly, a Vice President would, of course, be required to analyze a companyââ¬â¢s overall performance by reviewing financial statements, customer feedback and sales and activity reports. In general, a good Vice President of Operations would have to be sharp and in control of the operations at hand while maintaining a cohesive work environment to maximize productivity and eliminate internal conflicts. If I were to be awarded this position, I would be fully committed to being hard working and dedicated to the company and, in particular, to my job. In my experience, I have learnt that I work best in demanding conditions by being organized from the get-go and assigning myself goals and aims from the beginning of the project (Smith, 1992). I have found that goal setting helps me greatly because it allows me a sense of focus as opposed to being distracted by unnecessary objectives that should not be given precedence. Simply put, lacking a goal could disperse my attention over all the possible, yet needless, objectives in a certain circumstance. Moreover, because it has been found that the mo re challenging the goal, the greater the motivation to achieve it, I believe my work quality would improve dramatically as I would be more inclined and persistent to work harder. Furthermore, setting goals would help me in using my time more productively by allocating it to the pressing tasks at hand (Wilson, 2008). In addition, I would be using my resources most efficiently (with the least waste) to productively aid the company. I believe setting goals helps in personal growth, all the while motivating you to work harder and more diligently to strive for what you set out to achieve. Setting targets for myself would show me clearly the vision I aim to uphold and would push me harder and harder until I successfully achieve it. For someone in a position as demanding as that of Vice President, some direction is necessary. I feel that setting goals such as being prompt with my work, or being thorough in my reports would better motivate me into becoming a good Vice President for the comp any and would give me a sense of confidence once these goals are realized. In the past, I have worked for various companies and have had to deal with demanding circumstances such as rushed deadlines, miscommunications in the chain-of-command, and conflicting behavior of coworkers and lack of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Banana Heart Summer Essay Example for Free
Banana Heart Summer Essay IV. Choose your favorite lines/quotations. Explain and justify. * Floating faith made us brave, made us endure consequences. I love this line because it is true that faith made us brave. I have my own faith that truly makes me strong and continue my life even lots of consequences come. I know that having faith gives grace in your heart and soul that keeps you to fight. * The journey of life is not any easy. Yeah, so true, that life is not any easy because we do not know what will come tomorrow or later. There are lots of things that may happen. Good or bad we can never say. But if we have faith, life will be at ease and enjoyable enough. Your faith will guide you and gives you inspiration to continue your life no matter what problems come. * Pride is a sin, dignity is salvation. I am my motherââ¬â¢s daughter. This one is kind of reflective one. It makes me to realize something. I believe that this justifiable self-respect is a sin especially if you are hurting somebody in a simple or hard way. And this dignity or the honor that you keep will save you from your sin like pride. The last line saying, I am my motherââ¬â¢s daughter gives me joy that Nenita shows great love because sheââ¬â¢s proud that she is a daughter of her mother no matter what people say and even if her mother expresses disappointment towards Nenita. * ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m afraid I could never find the balance between love and anger.â⬠These two strong emotions are sometimes hard to control. I like this line because I can relate my own experience. Like being in love somehow gives happiness that can drive you crazy, do everything, sacrifices and all like. While being angry which I am scared of is really uncontrollable sometimes. Itââ¬â¢s so confusing that you do not what will happen next if love and anger collides. * It was just rain, just water. Without sweets or spices or condiments, without our expert or fumbling interventions to make it taste better, without our need to disguise its nature, but how we reveled in each drop. It explains the significance of water in our lives. I love these lines because it expresses simplicity likewise in having simple life. Being satisfied even if you only have enough. * Sadly love is not just water; we do things to it. I laughed in this line because as to compare love in water, it is really different. Unlike in having water in your hand is so easy to possess and have it forever in just for example buying it while in love you need to give attention and effort until the end just to save and nourish it. * We understand that the devil and the angel were equal partners in the balance of the universe. I believe that there is devil and angel in this world. That is why there is good and bad, happy and sad, light and dark, love and hate. Sometimes we find our lives more meaningful if we realize that we do mistake and change it and be better next time. * First love is too confusing. As a saying, True love never die because this was the first time you fall in love to someone who you think is the best person ever that you want to be with forever and the last. It is true that first love is too confusing because it surely drives you crazy. Unstoppable care and worries at the same time. * They say there is love at first sight between a mother and her firstborn. A great blessing it is to have a baby. The most awaited gift from God that a couple want and need to. Yes, I believe that there is love at first sight between the mother and her first baby simply because they are alike. Having this powerful feeling that you can only find, Love. V. Think of the most appropriate sound track for Banana Heart Summer, state reason by giving ten lines or more from the song.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Analysis of the Penan Culture in Malaysia
Analysis of the Penan Culture in Malaysia Introduction: The Penan is one of the groups in South East Asia and they are live in Sarawak, Malaysia. There are about ten thousands Penan live in Sarawak and only about two hundred of them are nomadic Penan people left. The nomadic Penan is the people who are move from one place to other new place in every month to get new places to stay and food. The most important in Penan community make me feel proud is they are not discriminate toward female and children. All the people are equal in dividing food and sharing food. They are fair in distributing item and especially in food. The hunters hunt animals and divided meat equality to each family. The most unique I think that in Penan community is their forest sign language. Forest sign language is very important to Penan people in the forest. The Penan has their forest sign language in the forest and it is a complex forest sign language. For instance, the sign like they hunting in the forest and went to this way. So, the other Penan people will know that they went to that way. In addition, there is also a sign can know that whether the person leaving the sign is in the good mood or not. Culture in Penan community: Culture mean learned behavior in any particular society includes those ideas, techniques and habits which are passed on by one generation to another. This learned behavior or social inheritance, of any society is called its culture. It is the possession of a common culture and the ability to communicate and pass it on to others that distinguishes the human being from other animals. Human are human because they share with others a common culture, a culture which includes not only the artifacts of its living members but also those of members of past generations. Human beings are able to develop and pass on their culture by means of language. (Tony Biton, Kevin Bonnett, Philip Jones, Michelle Stanworth, Ken Sheard and Andrew Webster, 1987, pg 11 and 12). Culture in Penan has already changed especially in materials culture. They have influence by western country materials like they have wearing jeans, t-shirt, shoes, and using plastic. The Penan can get the western materials when they ex change item with the loggers. The processes lead to culture change is diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of things and ideas from one culture to another. The logging companies are the cause of the culture change in Penans culture. Loggers influence the Penan people by change item with them. The item usually change are knifes, cloths, cooking item and so on. Most of the youngest are influence by the western culture. But the eldest not really influenced by western culture, they wear traditional cloths and traditional tattoos. Besides that, they have using traditional hunting like using blowpipes. The Penan hunters usually use blowpipes to hunt wild animals. Blowpipes are the weapon that can use by them efficiency to kill wild animals. Blowpipes are made by hard wood and it got two holes at the beginning and the end of the blowpipes. The Penan hunters also have shotgun but they not often use it, because shotgun is very expensive to own one and hard to get shotgun. Short blowpipes are usually use in the short range in the forest. Blowpipes are use with the poison dart in order to kill the wild animals. Poison darts make from the milky latex in the tajem tress and warmed by fire to produce the darts. Specious darts are use to kill big animals while simple darts are use to hunt small animals. During hunting, the Penan hunters usually carry two knifes. One is long knife and the other is the shorter knife. These knifes are use to cut meat, blowpipe darts and so on. In religion, Penan people are belief in Christian since many years ago. Christian has brought into Penan communities by British since colonial time. The definitions religion includes beliefs about the existence of superhuman beings or forces, the practice of rites and rituals, the institutional forms that religion takes and the power relationships believed to be involved between human being and suprahuman beings. (Robert Van Krieken, Daphne Habibis, Philip Smith, Brett Hutchins, Michael Haralambos and Martin Holborn, 2006, pg 390). But, they still strong believe in myths and spirits in some place. For example, some rituals can expel bad luck in hunting and unsuccessful in hunting. By doing the ritual the hunters can change their hunting bad luck become good luck in hunting. Besides that, blood pacts are one of the cultures in Penan community and usually happen between the Penan leaders and neighboring tribes. In some of the cases, the leaders would shed blood onto tobacco and then it smoke together, and then consuming each other blood and preventing future conflicts. If got a breach of this pact was believed causing vomiting blood and violent death. Economy in Penan Community: The term economy, from which we get economics, comes most directly from the Old French word economie, meaning management of a household. The French adopted the term from the Latin word oeconomia, which was in turn derived from the Greek word oikonomia. Oikonomia came from the word oikonomos, which separates into oikos, meaning house, and -nomos meaning managing. (Mankiw, 2008, page 4). Economy in Penan community is based on the animals meat that they hunted, rattan make by themselves, sago and so on. Most of the item they sold is meat that their hunted in the forest to the loggers. The Penan people get their profit by selling these items to the companies. The Penan people were trade for manufactured goods like knifes, cooking item, cloths and so on. Gaharu is the one of the goods sell to other country like China, Taiwan and Japan to get more profit from it. Gaharu is for medicinal, religious purposes and making perfume. The patterns of economic subsistence are foraging and horticulture in the Penan community. Foraging is the most ancient of human subsistence patterns in foraging for wild plants and hunting wild animals. Most of the Penan hunters are hunting in a small group of relatives and friends. They have their own settlements that are not permanent which they can live in there while hunting. There are three major variations of the foraging subsistence pattern that is pedestrian, equestrian and aquatic. Penan hunters are using pedestrian while hunting wild animals. Pedestrian is diversified hunting gathering on their foot. Hunting is the common activity in Penan to obtain meat from wild animals. Government has give permit to Penan for hunting in the forest. Male are taking part in the hunting activity. Most of the animals hunt by the hunters is wild pigs. They also hunt small animals like birds, squirrels and so on. Before logging begins, many wild animals can be hunted by hunters. After logging started in their forest, wild animals become less and the animals loss their habitant. Trees are chopping down and animals are decrease. So, the hunters become harder to hunt animals where animals are becoming less. The Penan people have involved in the horticulture. Horticulture is the small scale and low intensity of farming. This subsistence pattern involved at least part time planting and tending of domesticated food plants. They have grown their own plants for food and they also keep the chickens and other relatively small domesticated animals are raised for food. Most of the foods are used by them and the surplus of meats will be sold to the loggers. They will gain profit when they sell their own meats to the logging camps. Family and Gender in Penan community: The family may then be defined as a small group of closely related people who share a distinct sense of identity and a responsibility for each other that outweighs their commitments to others, this group is commonly, but not necessarily, based on marriage, biological descent, or adoption. (James Fulcher and John Scott, 2007, pg 447). In Penan community, most common forms of the family distinguished in the literature are nuclear families and extended families. The nuclear family is usually defined as two generation unit consisting of parents and unmarried children. A distinction is generally made here between the family of origin and the family of destination. (James Fulcher and John Scott, 2007, pg 448 and 449). Nuclear families in Penan community are less if comparing to the extended family. They usually live with their parents and their children in their own hut in the forest. The extended family includes other family members. It extends vertically to include at least three generat ions that is at least grandfather and grandmothers. It extends horizontally to include in law, cousins, aunts, uncles, though how far it extends will vary and depends upon perception of the composition and boundaries of the family. (James Fulcher and John Scott, 2007, pg 448). Most of the families in Penan community are extended family. They live together in a big family with their relative. Most extended family live in bigger huts in the forest. Gender refers to differences in the way that men and women in a particular society are expected to feel, think, and behave. Thus, males are typically expected to feel, think, and behave in a masculine way, and females in a feminine way. (James Fulcher and John Scott, 2007, pg 156). There are some differences in gender roles in Penan community. For instance, males are taking part in hunting activity and rough activity. Females are most likely doing soft works like taking care their children, making rattan, finding firewood and so on. Gender roles are that specify the ways in which men and women are expected to feel, think, and behave. These prescribe not only the kinds of work that men and women are expected to do but the feelings they can express and everyday aspects of their behaviour , such as the way that they speak and dress. (James Fulcher and John Scott, 2007, pg 159). But, in Penan community, females, males and children are taking parts in making sago flour. There is no gender stratification in making sago. Logging: Sarawak forest has been logging seen 1970 years. The purpose of logging is to processed timber. The government of Sarawak has given permit to logging companies to log in the forest. It can enhance the local profits and become the first world in 2020. Most of the timber export to other country like Japan, India and Europe. The logging companies using bulldozers to clear up the forest and cutting down trees. The logging companies which include Shin Yang, Samling and Interhill are logging in Sarawak. The company workers usually live in the houses that they have build when they logging. The problem face by Penan is logging in the jungle where they live. Logging can cause many problems toward Penan people. Penan are very hard to live in the jungle where are many logger are logging in their habitant. The changes in the jungle will make them fill difficult to stay at the jungle. The change in the sound of the machines chop trees, the light in the jungle become brighter because of less trees and the temperature become higher than before. Besides that, Penan also facing problems like hard to hunt animals in the jungle where logging activities are started. All the animals run away from the jungle and animals are dying during logging. Penan also hard to get medical plants and food when many trees are destroys by the logging companies. The fruits tress and the sago palm become less after logging has started in Penans forest. So, Penan people feel difficulty in getting the food and sago. The water in the river become mudding when raining. The mud from the trees has been chop ping down. The Penan people cannot get clean water from the river. Social change and development: Social change is about change in the nature, social institution, social behaviour or social relations of a society, or other social structures. It also can also be said as any event or action affects a group of individuals that have shared values or characteristics. The factors that lead to social change are physical environment and poverty. Physical environment refers to the trees in the forest have been cut down by logging companies and the Penan people have to face the new change in their habitants. They are not able to adapt the new life. This is because some of the changes like temperature, light and sound in the jungle have been changes. The dirty water in the river is also one of the social changes. They have to get use to it. Poverty is also one of the factors that lead to social changes. Logging can cause them into poverty. This is because they have less wild animals to hunt and less meat to sell to people. Less trees in the forest making them hard to find fruits in the fore st and it is hard to make rattan when logging started. Furthermore, oil palm plantations have forced them into poverty. There is nothing left for them anymore. The loss of their forests, the Penan is force to poverty and suffers illness because of not enough foods and polluted water. The government has promises to give development to Penan but until now there is no development in their community. Besides that, the Penan also not trust the government and they also do not want development. The government also does not understand why Penan does not want development. The logging companies have given the Penan people the broken and abundant house that the logger had made during logging. So, the Penan people do not feel there has been development in their community. According to Wallerstein (1991), development simply means more, which is a capitalist definition referring to the accumulation of wealth and as a result of this accumulation, one area will remain poor as a result of exploitation by the rich (powerful). Conclusion: The Penan was live in Sarawak since many years ago and there are no troubles in their community. After logging companies come to their forest cutting down the trees and making the Penan suffer from many problems. Logging makes changes in Penans culture, their social, development, economy and so on. In my opinion, the companies should stop logging from destroying the forest and the Penan habitant. Logging will also cause to global warming and it will create disaster toward Penan people. The government also should be more careful in making decision in timber industry. The government must be more consider about the Penan feeling when logging in their forest. Reference: Tony Bilton, Kevin Bonnett, Philip Jones, Michelle Stanworth, Ken Sheard and Andrew Webster (1987), Introductory sociology, second edition, The Macmillan Press LTD, London. James Fulcher, John Scott (2007), Sociology, third edition, Oxford. N. Gregory Mankiw (2008), Principles of Economics, Fifth edition, South Western Cengage Learning. Robert Van Krieken, Daphne Habibis, Philip Smith, Brett Hutchins, Michael Haralambos and Martin Holborn (2006), Sociology Themes and Perspectives, third edition, Longman. James H. McDonald (2002), The Applied Anthropology Reader, Allyn And Bacon.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay Concerning Brave New World :: essays research papers
The novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, presents the portrait of a superficial utopian society. Huxley presents his utopia as a perfectly functioning society, but makes the reader question many aspects of the new civilization. While engaged in the book, a reader is often appalled by the lifestyles of the residents of "brave new world." When a reader does this he or she is comparing the society to his or her own. The only way a person can justifiably criticize the society in Brave New World is from their own subjective vantage point. It was the anthropologist Geertz who said that a culture cannot be examined completely objectively. So when a person critiques a society it is based on the values and mores of their own culture, and this is what I will do when considering what is objectionable and what is acceptable in the "brave new world" society. Huxley wrote the book primarily as a satire that would lead to change. In 1932, changes in science were becoming prevalent and Huxley noticed these changes. With the invention of the assembly line, the Ford Model Twas produced allowing people to afford cars. Huxley could see where these advances in science were leading, and this lead him to develop his startling story. When a person thinks of a utopia he or she thinks of a place where everyone is happy, disease is nonexistent, and strife, anger and sadness are unheard of. Huxley created a society where all of these are true, and still one questions whether or not it is truly a utopia. As people in our society look upon "brave new world" they see it as a place of immoral behavior and obscenity. Could this possibly be because they are conditioned themselves, and cannot realize it? They could just as easily be conditioned into thinking that only their thoughts are correct. Everyone's goal in every culture is to reach a state of ultimate happiness. The society of "brave new world" is the same, but they go about it in a much different way. People argue that the society of "brave new world" is immoral, and evil, but once again they are enforcing mores of their own society while examining other culture. Because the only way to critique the society of "brave new world" is subjectively from our own point of view, almost every aspect of the society is objectionable.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Free College Essays - Devon as a Microcosm in Knowles A Separate Peace
à Devon as a Microcosm to the Outside World in A Separate Peaceà à à à à à à Welcome to a small school called Devon during the summer of 1942.à At the beginning of the second World War, Devon is a quiet place with close friends and great memories, until one event brings the entire school into itÃâ¢s own war.à With the star athlete having his leg ÃâaccidentallyÃâ broken by his best friend, Devon turns against itself into a war zone where nobody is safe. à à à à à à à à à à à It all began with a childish game of jumping out of a tree into a river, a test of guts and will.à All fun and games until that summer day when the star athlete is ready to jump out while his best friend follows him up the tree to jump next.à The branch is shaken slightly, and suddenly the schoolÃâ¢s top athlete is lying on the ground with a broken leg.à This event seems so small and feeble, but it will soon not only tear a friendship apart, but the whole school, as well. à à à à à &nbs...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Cultural Diversity in Modern Times
The political culture, so to speak, has been modified by the structure of the presidential race at present. With Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton running for office, their presence in the race for presidency influences the societyââ¬â¢s view on race and gender. If Obama or Clinton wins, they would represent the first black or female president, respectively, in the history of the United States. The media has been successful in reiterating the issue of race and gender, as societal concerns have been magnified in newspaper articles and news reports published all over the country. We all know the long struggles that the black and the female populations have been experiencing since time in memorial. It all started with slavery on the part of the African American community, and the inequalities regarding the status of the female population. Ever since, these two primary groups of society have been fighting back, claiming an equal place in society, lobbying for societal considerations regarding the acknowledgement of human rights and equality in all aspects. Looking back, culture has been the root of all these inequalities and injustices brought upon ââ¬Å"minorityâ⬠groups such as the black and female population, and even homosexuals, indigenous tribes, etc. Ethnocentrism and patriarchy are the prevailing beliefs that ushers inequality and injustice. The growing changes in society are changing the trend in societyââ¬â¢s view of race and gender. With education, members of the black population now hold important roles in society such as in politics and business, and so as women. Women have taken part in the corporate world, and have contributed a great deal in all fields of societal concerns with them being members of the senate or cause-oriented organizations. Although, racism and gender inequality is still present in society, the prevalence of multiculturalism and the acknowledgement of females is slowly changing societyââ¬â¢s take on these issues. Obama and Clinton are strengthening the views on race and gender issues, simply because they are able to reach the point of holding an important place where people depend their future on. The people, especially democrats, look to the two party candidates, and weigh their importance in battling the Republican-Democratic race to the presidential seat. Suddenly, their views become important. Suddenly, their concerns are being heard. Suddenly, all the issues about being black or female are interest over society. There are two sides of the story, however. As race and gender consciousness elevates with the presence of Obama and Clinton in the media, people who hold traditional views are also voicing out their opinions about the issue. Perhaps, the world will not run out of people who believe in ethnocentrism and patriarchy, and the world will not run out of people who believe in race and gender equality. Since the side of ethnocentrism and patriarchy has been ringing all over the world for centuries, it has become too old for people to pay attention to their side. Although Obama and Clinton are competing for the Democratic primary, still, they remain to be icons of justice and equality. Looking at them battle it out for the one of the most important positions in the world is empowering people, especially those who belong to the minority groups. Black people believe in themselves by looking at Obama. Obama has become an image of change and inspiration for them to step up and have a say about the issues in society. Other people see failure if Obama wins the Democrat primary, saying America is not yet ready for a black president. At the same time, the black community wields all the support and inspiration they can get in order to show the world the change it is waiting for. The female population is on the same side, looking at Hillary Clinton vie for the presidential elections. Looking at how Hillary Clinton have become even with her success as first lady, and eventually a senator. On the extreme side of things, the presence of Obama and Clinton eliminates all issues behind race and gender. Their involvement with politics, especially with the presidential race, is not a matter of whether they are black or white, male or female. It is a matter of what they can do if they become the president of the United States. Through this, the person in Obama and Clinton, or McCain for that matter becomes more important than culture, gender, or any other superficial issues that society used to look upon. This is what society has realized. Works Cited Mukhopadhyay, Samhita. ââ¬Å"The Black, the Female, and the Invisible.â⬠Passing Through. 07 Mar. 2008. . Retrieved from The Nation. 06 May 2008 . Warner, Judith. ââ¬Å"For Clinton and Obama, the Burden of Identity.â⬠Domestic Disturbances. 17 Jan. 2008. Retrieved from The New York Times Company. 06 May 2008 .
Thursday, October 10, 2019
African American Cinema Essay
The subject of African-Americans in Motion Pictures provides some of the most interesting studies along with the many controversial interpretations of the roles as actors they played on screen. As far back as the silent films era, African-Americans have been featured in motion pictures playing roles depicting some aspect of acting and being purveyors of a black image. The messages or themes of these movies have over the years presented a mixture of images based upon what was thought to please the viewers of each particular film. Unfortunately, many of those films showed black characters in negative stereotypical roles, which the average African-Americans would never truly identify as being like themselves. Since many of our American icons and heroes have come from our motion picture stars, we need to understand what this narrow view presented and compare it with what we presently see at our local cinema today. The movies Guess Whoââ¬â¢s Coming To Dinner (1967), Shaft (1971), Do The Right Thing (1989), Boys n the Hood (1991), and Menace to Society (1993) show a thematic style and stereotypes in the way that black films have progressed over the years. The motion picture industry was never too quick to change their approach in presenting African-Americans in realistic roles depicting social or civil conditions in an integrated context. Many of these roles required scenes showing African-Americans in positions of authority or relating to white Americans in a positive way. This Integration Period therefore brought together African-American actors with scenes along side white actors in roles showing both players dealing with racial conflict and resolution. Guess Whoââ¬â¢s Coming to Dinner was truly a unique film for its time in that Sidney Poitierââ¬â¢s character breaks all the stereotypical views of blacks in American Cinema. In the early 1930ââ¬â¢s blacks were portrayed as lower class, slow-witted figures of entertainment, often showed in menstrual shows. Poitierââ¬â¢s character broke all these stereotypes. 1971 brought to the big screen a successive series of superhero black or ââ¬Å"blaxploitationâ⬠films. Shaft was released in 1971, and Richard Roundtree was the superman black hero detective. He was compared by many to the white James Bond. Related to Guess Whoââ¬â¢s Coming to Dinner, Shaft took it up a notch in showing a black man as a hero. Poitierââ¬â¢s role was one to equalize whites and blacks in their roles in American cinema, but Shaft showed a black man who was an authoritative figure. Different themes can be mixed in between the two movies. They both show an intelligent black man that has a grip on reality. Both movies showed themes of how integration has struck America. They differ though on a level in that Shaft was a black dominant cast and Guess Whoââ¬â¢s Coming to Dinner was predominantly white. Do the Right Thing, Boyz n the Hood, and Menace to Society were all produced in a more modern era, hence the fact that they all have similar racial themes. The films all paint a picture of urban Black America in their time period. All three films are thought to be racially reactionary films aimed at the psyche of both black and white viewers. The movies were all a success due to the touched topics of racial situations, ethnic tensions, and human encounters of anger. The superb casts of both black and white actors made the motion picture industry aware of a newer avenue for films and race relations. African-Americans in motion pictures in todayââ¬â¢s expanding world of visual imagery can be seen on many expanding fronts. We see the making of motion pictures on subjects or themes which can be taken from history, life experiences, music, and unexplored events. Todayââ¬â¢s markets are open, and African-Americans are taking advantage of these open door opportunities. Actors and actresses are expanding their roles from stage acting to movies to TV miniseries to video cassettes or discs, and roles taken from books, plus movie soundtracks. In our world today African-American actors and actresses will always have a place in American Cinema and their future looks bright and promising.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Brave New World
The mindset the government had was they were constantly making newer and better technology to create ââ¬Å"perfectâ⬠individuals without error. The mockery made him feel an outsider; and feeling an outsider he behaved like one, which increased the prejudice against him and intensified the contempt and hostility aroused by his physical defects. Which in turn increased his sense of being alien and alone. A chronic fear of being slighted made him avoid his equals, made him stand, where his inferiors were concerned, self-consciously on his dignity. this direct quote is an exact example of the society we live in today. Mainly women, with some men think they are ugly. It seems as if many Americans believe that plastic surgery is the answer to becoming beautiful. Our culture is not accepting to the fact that most people living in this world are happy with the way their body and looks are. Self consciousness is the main reason for a person in this day and age to change the way they loo k by injecting harmful chemicals into their bodies. These people will have to live with it for the rest of their lives whether they are happy with it or not. There are so Makidon 2 many advertisements and beauty products that encourage humans to change their personal appearance. Natural beauty was given to every individual from birth, whether it may be looks or the heart of a person. Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because theyre so frightfully clever. Im awfully glad Im a Beta, because I dont work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I dont want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. Theyre too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly colour. Im so glad Im a Beta. becoming of the work place is sometimes harder for some than others because of the different tasks one is asked to perform. Three different routes could lead any one to success today. The first one is joining the military. Not only do you get great benefits for health care, family housing and work conditions, but the government pays for all of your expenses for college. Even if your degree takes 12 years to reach, the government pays for all expenses besides tuition and meals. The second is going to college. This can lead to an important role in society and it provides an individual with a career and plenty of job opportunities. The third is staring young and making your way up in a certain franchise. Although it is not as common as getting a college degree, many people can be successful by working hard and becoming the best that they can be. There is such a wide variety of career fields, some working harder than others, but all becoming successful in their own ways. Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the over-compensations for misery. And, of course, stability isnt nearly so spectacular as instability. And being contented has none of the glamour of a good fight against misfortune, none of the picturesqueness of a struggle with temptation, or a fatal overthrow by passion or doubt. Happiness is never grand. The world has become such a cruel, hard place to live. Prices have gone up, houses have been lost and the economy has crashed. Although the government does not control much of the studies like in Brave New World, they still have their reign over a lot of our world today. A good example of how the economy has Makidon 3 ffected families today is the reason why we moved here from Michigan. My parents both work in the Cardiac Cath Lab and the hospital they worked at in Northern Michigan ended up having to close departments down and let go of a ton of people in every department. My dad had just graduated Lawrence Technical University with a Masters degree but that still couldnt help us back east. He was offered a job here and took it right away. The east coast has been hit the hardest since the economy has crashed, government spending has put a lot of stress and anxiety on tax payers. In certain aspects the book can relate to todays society, but the government had total control over all studies and people in 632 A. F. New ideas of medical issues come alive in this novel, and the technology we use today. Since this book has been published, we no longer use the Bokanosky process, but instead we only remove the eggs and sperm from the reproductive organs, grow them in a petrie dish then put them back into the uterus for growth and development, also known as in vitro fertilization. The mindset the government had was they were constantly making newer and better technology to create ââ¬Å"perfectâ⬠individuals without error.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Government 2 Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Government 2 - Dissertation Example Either the Senate or the House of Representatives may introduce a bill; it must be approved by both parties. Though every bill must be signed by the President before it becomes a law, instances that the President does not sign, the House and the Senate will vote on it and should acquire a 2/3 majority for a bill to become a law. In instances that a certain law is said to be unjust or unfair, the courts can rule and decide if it remains a law or not. (Cook, p. 23) Democracy: Freedom of Expression Freedom of expression is the foundation of democracy. It is fundamental in all forms of freedoms. It is said to be the core freedom in which democracy will not be possible without it. This doesnââ¬â¢t entail freedom of speech alone but the right to write openly, speak freely and criticize injustices and incompetence. It gives the public the opportunity to voice out their opinions of any kind. Thus, without it, a country cannot be called democratic if voices of the public are limited or unh eard. Progressive Taxation The US currently has a progressive taxation system in which tax rates get much higher from the middle class to the upper class, making the lower class shoulder very minimal tax rates. (Surname) 2 In the 1980s, a revival against the current tax system was which had started in the early 20th century was seen.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Professional Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Professional Development Plan - Essay Example Different determinants have contributed to my improvement of time management skills (Forsyth, 2013). Being in a time controlled facility is one of the motivating factors. Classes are allocated precise time frames where one has to comprehend all that is planned for by the lecturer. Additionally, consultation hours by the lecturers are set during specific sessions when he/she is available. Without a proper timetable, one can easily miss the lecturers appointments leading to deterioration of performances in the subject. The attained skills will also help in both academic and business fields. My undergraduate has been an eye opener providing knowledge on the importance of time management. Firstly, it will help me meet other personal set goals. A suitable timetable will help me make time for all my goals presenting them with appropriate periods to ensure equity. Personally, it will also enhance my self-confidence by reducing time related stresses. Most of these stresses include late presentation of assignments and attendance of classes. It will also provide me with more free time that I can use in research or work. Time management lets an individual to venture in productive activities while learning. It also assists resource control and monitoring. Planning ââ¬â one has to make a plan that caters for all the activities that need to be accomplished (Forsyth, 2013). It will help me help me identify and separate school work from other activities that may come up during free time. Planning will aid in the setting of personal ambitions that will contribute to my studies. Assessing ââ¬â it will review how I am currently using my time hence exposes areas that need changes or improvement. Assessing also provides information of the current trends such as school timetables. I have to set my timetable depending on constant schedules. Prioritizing ââ¬â leads to allocation of time
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Oskar Schindler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Oskar Schindler - Essay Example Oskar Schindler is known to have saved the lives of around a thousand Jews at the time of the Holocaust. What follows is a detailed account of Mr. Schindler (Crowe, 2004). The Life of Oskar Schindler Many people believe that Oskar Schindler was a true hero, at a time when the Jews were brutally murdered; Oskar Schindler actually saved the lives of 1000 Jews. What is most remarkable is the fact that he himself was a Jew ant that too one belonging to the Nazi party. For someone to have the courage to do that speaks volumes about his character. Oskar Schindler owned three factories, out of which only one employed Jewish forced laborers. In 1944, Emalia (the factory that employed Jewish laborers) was at its peak and had employed 1700 workers out of which 1000 were Jews. During the time of the torture, the Emalia workers were also subject to brutal treatment at the Plaszow concentration camp, however, whenever possible Schindler intervened to see that the treatment at the camp was as less severe as possible. Moreover, Schindler also gave refuge to his employees at the Emalia along with approximately 450 other Jews so that they were able to evade the torture and brutal murders at Plaszow (Bulow, 2009).
Saturday, October 5, 2019
What was the Monroe Doctrine and what impact has it had on American Essay
What was the Monroe Doctrine and what impact has it had on American history - Essay Example 87). The restrictions ushered to curb the remaining Latin American colonies under Spain and Portugal from gaining the looming independence from Portuguese, as well as Spanish Empires. Together with Britain, United purposed to ascertain total refrain by European Powers into the barred states. The immediate success is that continental powers did not revive the Spanish empire as a result of the British strong Navy following the weakness in U.S military. It never spread like a national doctrine to curb the threat to interest Americans and got hidden from American history for a decade. It culminate to France relinquishing the Maximilian. Besides, Spain stopped interfering with Dominican Republic in 1965. It allowed Unites States forcefully to regulate Dominican Republicââ¬â¢s customs with an objective to revive its economy. It also led to a military confrontation in Haiti and Nicaragua. Monroe doctrine led to harmonious linkages between US and UK (Sexton, 2011, p.
Friday, October 4, 2019
HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT-2ND ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Given the dynamic nature of work that needed to be done, the organization demands high level knowledge and information from the employees. According to the studies made the company has incorporated training and motivational programs for the employees so that they can meet the demand effectively. Conclusion: Thus from the study we can make out that when the company was in danger of losing its market share, the company started focusing on its human resources, which ultimately enabled the company to get back on the track. The company realized the importance of incorporating such policies in their strategic decision making process. Self Evaluation: The presentation provides the highlights of the major aspects that a transport company might consider while designing their Human Resource policy. These policies are uniquely different than the human resource policies which are generally being adapted in manufacturing concerns. Skills along with values constitute the main plan of the entire process of employee development. The service companies specially should consider employees to be the one of the most critical asset component and they should value them accordingly. It should be remembered that with the level of competition present within the industry, the company cannot afford a very liberal payment structure. As with the amount of scope available, any skilled and experienced employee can shift to any other given organization. This would cause a great harm to the parent company not only in qualitative aspects but also in the profit making process. The services provided by all the airlines are similar in nature, so the main part of difference comes in the way the service is being offered to the passengers. The employees who have adequate knowledge and experience can do just that. But with the lack of proper payment structure, frequent shifting of employees may make the continuous process of value creation difficult. It will also dilute the
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Charge of the Light Brigade Essay Example for Free
Charge of the Light Brigade Essay How far do Sources 1 and 2 challenge the impression of the Charge of the Light Brigade given in Source 3? The Charge of the Light Brigade was started by an order given by Lord Raglan to charge. It last half an hour and 113 men were killed. Source 3 is a ââ¬Ërecallingââ¬â¢ of the brutality of the Charge of the Light Brigade. It shows the perspective of someone watching the battle rather than taking part so is therefore limited. Although, it is still useful as is written by a witness who saw it happen at the time of the event. There are various features of source 1 and 2 that challenge source 3ââ¬â¢s impression of the Charge of the Light Brigade. For example, source 1 portrays the appearance of only Russian soldiers and of the English look triumphant. Whereas source 3 states ââ¬Ëour men tried to drag their mangled bodiesââ¬â¢ giving the impression that many were badly injured. Source 2 challenges source 3 by saying ââ¬Ëright throââ¬â¢ the line they brokeââ¬â¢ this gives the impression the English troops managed to get onto Russian ground and shows them as more successful than stated in source. In addition source 2 agrees with source 1 in this sense as can be seen in the picture, the English soldiers have reached the Russians and the Russians are made to look weak. Source 2 however is limited as is written as a poem, so may be dramatized to add effect and make to it more interesting to read. Also the information included in the poem was written on the Isle of Weight after hearing Russellââ¬â¢s report so is very limited. Despite the various things that challenge source 3 in source 2 and 1 there are also many things that agree with it. When looking at the cartoon in source 1 it appears to disagree with source 3, however looking at the provenance may change this opinion. It was published in the magazine ââ¬ËPunchââ¬â¢ which was a teasing and dramatizing newspaper. It was also only one month after the Charge of the Light Brigade and everyone knew how badly the English had performed. It appears to pick fun at Lord Cardigan and blame him for the loss that day. Source 3 and 2 also agree that a lot of men were badly injured or killed that day. This is seen when source 2 states ââ¬ËThen they rode back, but not not this six hundredââ¬â¢ the emphasis on the not shows that nowhere near six hundred of them rode back. In source 3 this is shown when Sergeant-Major Timothy Gowing states ââ¬Ëbut few escaped. ââ¬â¢ Source 2 agrees with source 3 when it states the soldiers were ââ¬Ëshatterââ¬â¢d and sunderââ¬â¢d. ââ¬â¢ This coincides with the image of the soldiers having to ââ¬Ëdrag their mangled bodiesââ¬â¢ the word drag shows exhaustion and that they used every last bit of energy to try and escape the battle field. In conclusion, source 1 and 2 mainly agree with the image of the Charge of the Light Brigade portrayed in source 3. Source 1 is making fun of Lord Cardigan and how terribly wrong the whole situation went so is a lot less serious than the other 2 sources. They all however give the image of the battle being a bloody, ââ¬Ëbrutalââ¬â¢ one in which many lives were lost. Source 3 was written 41 years after this shows the charge still has an impact years later and people still do not know the full truth.
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